Blog Posts


The moment things changed... face your fear intentional mindset possibility Apr 08, 2024

I could probably write 10 different versions of this since there were a bunch of little moments that led up to big change. They all have the same underlying themes so I am going to focus on this one since it popped up in my Facebook memories last week.

I was working in an environment that was not...

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Finding Your Happy You! intentional joy mindset possibility selfcare work/life balance Feb 16, 2023

The last 10 years of my life (guessing at a number because covid has thoroughly eff'd up my time estimation) have been all about a journey of growth and discovery. I wanted more for myself, I wanted to be confident in what I brought to the table, I wanted to be happy. Like truly and fully happy....

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The Year of Joy! alignment business owner mindset intentional joy luxury word of the year Jan 04, 2023

As we enter a new year, it is typically a time for reflection on the past year and setting intentions for the coming year. I love looking through old pictures, journals, goals, client testimonials, and awards. It is a great way to remember all of the wonderful things that happened and inspire new...

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